How We Love

This space has always been about vulnerability. About allowing ourselves to be seen.  
And what is more vulnerable than allowing another person to see you, more closely and clearly than any others will. Someone who sees you for you, and loves you still. 
This photoblog explores 3 love stories. 6 love letters which hold within them the beauty of loving another person - each in their own unique and stunning way.

With love.

To my dearest Gem
It seems unlikely that I will ever adequately compress my feelings into words - both for you and for this wild world we live in.
My mind is a storm; I run for shelter and am left wanting
Thus if I try to describe in a short letter like this one, the wonderful complexities and beautiful intricacies of our relationship, I will surely fail!

And yet, when I am with you, I do not have to. 
I am not required to describe anything. 
Without a word, I am understood.
In this space, I am aware of a simple truth: you see me - 
as I am, less my constructed masks & fancy facades. Me, as me.

Being seen, of course, is terrifying. Despite this, you receive me with open arms - with patience & grace. Suddenly, the process becomes liberating - I am free to be myself; I am free to grow.

Thank you for your kind heart & gentle voice. For your incredible sense of humour & endless creativity. 
Thank you for growing with me & adventuring with me. For teaching me & learning with me.

Thank you for seeing me, & loving me still

All my love,

- Cal xo


When I first loved you, I loved you for different reasons than I do now. You were the first partner I ever said “I love you” to, but I don’t think I really grasped what it meant until quite a lot further into our relationship.

When I say I love you now, it encompasses things that I wasn’t aware of at that time. I love watching you grow through this journey. I love that you know my favorite food and my style.
I appreciate that you drive me around everywhere, that you make me feel safe, and that you appreciate my creativity and interests. I appreciate yours too!

I enjoy your open mind and your critical perspectives, and I like to think that I’ve had an influence on those things. I love how you’ll always point out the good in not-so-good situations, and that you’re slow to complain. 
You’re the kindest, most generous and patient person that I know; and I want to be more like you. 

What I love the most, is that we are best friends.
You’re the best friend I’ve ever had. My adventure buddy. Life would be quite boring without you. Thank you for motivating me, understanding me like no one else, listening to me, and giving me all these beautiful things to love.

All my love,
- Gem xo 

Dearest mags, 
Thank you so much for being exactly who you are. 
From the day I met you, you’ve never veered off from who you truly are. 
Your kindness towards everyone blows me away. No matter who you interact with, you’ll always put their needs above your own. You are truly selfless. The way you’ve loved me and fought for our relationship over these past 8 months astounds me. 
Long distance is never easy but having you fight along side me, and for me when I felt weak, is what kept me going. You are beautiful inside and out. What draws me nearer to you everyday is how genuine you are. I can’t wait to grow closer to you and to learn from you.
I love you.
- Reuben


You have quite simply been an answered prayer from the start. 
For years I sought someone who would pursue me with good intentions, caring for me and chasing after my heart in the purest way. When I met you, I so desperately hoped that you would be that person, and, sure enough, you were! But we were from two different worlds - separated by actual oceans. I was forced to face reality, understanding the odds of this relationship were a million in one. But we went for it, and you’ve fought for us. 

Despite the difficulties of distance, you have managed to make me feel like the most valued and cherished person. You call out my giftings and abilities, assuring me of the way God has made me to be - words of life that cause my anxiety and insecurity to fade. No matter the circumstance, you have constantly been by my side- praying for me, holding me, pushing me to break off fear and barriers that restrict me. You’ve been such a safe place to turn to. 
You fill my life with laughter and joy like no other person. 
I love dancing with you, growing with you, dreaming with you.

It’s hard being so far from you, and I long for the day we’ll be in the same place. But as I fly on a plane, bound for a place thousands of miles from you, I can’t help but reflect on the hope we have to hold onto. We have been blessed with opportunities time and time again to see one another, and I just know that someday soon we’ll be in the same place. 
In this season of distance just know how much I adore you. 
I love you and what we have. 

I’ll see you soon - you’re a dream. 
 - Mags


watching the way 
love danced along
your fingertips

and tripped over
your thighs
the way love
glowed beneath
your skin

and lived within 
your eyes

and I heard you laugh
loud and clear 
when you weren’t paying attention

she laughed at me
a soft sort of giggle

because we had met 

we were friends
- her and  I

I did not expect to love you
I never had a plan
love was so far

so distant
it was never in reach
never in sight

I did not know love could be bound to you

I did not see it coming

I didn’t know you were friends

- you and love
I did not make the connection
I did not know 
of the time
you spent by
each other's side
In each other's arms
breathing deep.
breathing deep.

I did not know
until I did

until that one morning, you came down the stairs to greet me & I saw it

I saw it

I stood frozen - just watching

but I hadn’t known

until I did

Thank you for being the one to pay attention
to me when I need you
Thank you for giving up your valuable time to be with me
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, your ideas with me.
Thank you for treating me well. For respecting me. 
Thank you for the adventures & memories we’ve created.
For being the inspiration through everything we have done.
Thank you for accepting me & seeing through my skin.

Thank you for loving me. 
For allowing me to love you too.

Love is a beautiful thing. Thanks to my amazing friends for being so brave in sharing their sweet words to one another. They offer such wonderful glimpses into the hearts of your great love stories.


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